Enhancing User Experience: Best Practices for Designing an eCommerce Mobile App

By Gaurav Parvadiya | Last Updated On February 15th, 2024

The increasing popularity of mobile e-commerce has fundamentally altered how we shop, with the advent of user-friendly shopping apps and online stores that can be accessed from a mobile device.

Insider Intelligence believes that the mobile commerce market in the United States has the potential to more than double its current share of retail sales by the year 2025. Considering how quickly the sector is expanding, now is the ideal time to put money into developing mobile apps for e-commerce platforms.

It is essential to develop an outstanding online shopping app structure and design that strikes a chord with customers if one wishes to achieve success. To facilitate seamless navigation, one should invest in UX designing.

It helps you make your ecommerce app look more apparel and unique from others. But now the question arises that how one knows it is required for their app, how to implement the same and how it can help in enhancing the overall performance of the app.

To help you, we have listed the reasons why the UX of an app is essential and some useful practices/tips for designing the UX of an e-commerce application. This will help you flourish in the rapidly developing world of online retailing.

Why Does the UX of an Ecommerce App Matter a Lot?

The UX design plays a crucial role in the overall customer experience while shopping online. A visually appealing eCommerce app design increases user engagement and conveys much about your brand. Your app UI design should be a top priority whether you are a brand-new player in the online market or an established business with a solid reputation.

The primary purpose of UX design is to simplify things for users, offer a seamless user experience, foster trust, boost engagement, and bring all the code and functionality together to function flawlessly and in balance.

The user app experience is the primary way customers interact, build relationships, and exchange value with mobile-first businesses.

Consider the statistics below for context and better understanding:

  • Companies see a $100 return on investment for every dollar spent on UX design.
  • One out of every four mobile apps is only used once.
  • 80% of mobile users said they would only use a problematic app thrice or less.
  • After a single negative interaction, more than 30% of customers would abandon a previously liked brand.
  • Subscription-based app models are becoming more popular, necessitating a greater emphasis on optimizing app UX for existing users.
  • Your app’s infrastructure, consumer interface, and communication channels affect user experience.

The following strategies will concentrate on troubleshooting issues within your app experience and optimizing these pieces to suit your users’ needs better, resulting in improved retention and growth in the long run.

12+ Best Practices for Designing an Mobile Commerce App

To ensure a seamless & enjoyable user experience, designing an e-commerce app requires careful consideration of various factors. The ten key practices listed below can help you design an exceptional e-commerce app and set the stage for success in the competitive online marketplace.

Readability of the App

Ensuring readability is crucial for a successful e-commerce app. Poor UX design contributes to 25% of app abandonments. The small screen size of mobile devices poses a challenge for users to read product descriptions and shipping details. To enhance the user experience, address spacing issues, and optimize screen content readability. Maximize legibility to create a seamless shopping experience.

Simple Registration and Checkout

To improve the overall performance:

  • Simplify the registration and check-out processes in your eCommerce app.
  • Reduce the need for personal information by only requesting what is necessary.
  • Keep the UX simple, and ensure it fits on a mobile screen without scrolling.

Long multi-page signups and check-outs frustrate users, resulting in abandoned carts and lost profits. Using autofill fields and simple order modifications, you can improve the checkout experience. Allowing users to adjust product quantity and size before finalizing their purchase, for example, improves usability.

Stick With a Minimalistic Aesthetic

Use a minimalistic approach when creating your eCommerce app for a better e-commerce mobile app design. To make it easier for customers to find products, simplify the interface. Keep the user interface (UI) simple. Give a seamless and straightforward experience a top priority, especially for new users.

Use straightforward color schemes, a single typeface with a few variations, and considered spacing to embrace minimalism. Use shadows, colors, and spacing to discreetly define sections rather than clog the design with many lines and dividers.

Color Scheme Combinations Consistency

Schemes and Combinations of Colors Consistency require you to choose colors thoughtfully because they can affect user engagement and conversions. Make sure the color combinations look the same across all screens. Although drop-shadows and gradients can provide a sense of depth, their use should be limited to make the user interface and customer experience manageable.

Virtual Reality UX for Shopping

Enhancing the Shopping Experience with Virtual Reality UX, You can make the shopping experience more enjoyable by incorporating virtual reality (VR) technologies into your eCommerce app.

Users of VR do not need to physically go to a store to view products because they can do so in a setting nearly identical to the real thing. Users can virtually visualize how clothing would look on them or how furniture would look in their homes.

Thumb-Friendly Screen Zones for UX and UI Design

Your app should have a thumb-friendly zone designed into it so that users can easily reach different elements and interact with them using their thumbs. The customer/user experience as a whole is enhanced by this design principle, which also considers how smartphones should ideally be used ergonomically.

Screen Size for Readability and Spacing Issues

Readability and Spacing Concerns Relating to Screen Size One way to overcome the difficulties presented by the small screens of mobile devices is to give readability top priority and carefully examine any spacing concerns that may arise. The overall experience and e-commerce app design should be improved by ensuring that customers can read product descriptions and shipping information without difficulty.

Visible and Intuitive Ecommerce Navigation UX

A solid UI is essential in application design, where UI and UX are closely related. Ecommerce app navigation illustrates this. Precise and smooth navigation is essential for mobile users without a mouse or keyboard. Use intuitive signs and objects to help users maximize app functionality. Visible and easy navigation improves the shopping experience.

Wishlist or Save Features

Offer a Shopping Cart “Save” feature for uninterrupted shopping. Customers can save items for later purchases. Consider sending saved shoppers’ emails or custom notifications. Mobile device reminders of unfinished purchases can also be helpful. Wishlist or save features simplify tracking and managing desired products.

Add Rating and Reviews Features

Ratings, reviews, and best seller marks improve ecommerce UX and customer journey. These features let users use others’ opinions and experiences to make buying decisions. Customer reviews and ratings build trust, provide social proof and aid product evaluation. Your app’s credibility and shopping experience improve with rating and review features.

Product Image Zooming

Zooming in on Products It is highly beneficial for users to be able to zoom in on product images before making purchasing decisions. Please enable this feature for product images. Surprisingly, a large number of apps still need this feature. Users can inspect details, satisfy their curiosity, and make conclusive decisions when they can zoom in on product images.

Optimize load time

If it takes more than a few seconds for your website or application to load, users will abandon it. Your load time will be improved if you optimize your images, simplify your page layout, minify your resources, and minimize redirects, among other things. Lazy loading is another option for selecting resources selectively, only when required.

Make the experience personalized.

58% of smartphone users have a show positive attitude toward businesses/brands that provide a mobile experience based on their profile information or previous interactions with the brand. To increase user engagement and conversions, the  experience and interface of your mobile app should provide relevant content and communications (for example, in the form of push notifications).

If you design an eCommerce mobile application with these best practices, you will give users a shopping experience that is streamlined and enjoyable on their devices.

Good News! You Don’t Need to Do It All by Yourself. We are Here.

eCommerce businesses must improve overall experience to stay competitive. Designing an e-commerce mobile app that performs up to the mark and is easy-to-use can be difficult, but don’t worry! Twinr can help you quickly create a user-friendly eCommerce app.

Twinr, our revolutionary no-code platform, transforms eCommerce websites into well-structured mobile apps using all the above tips. Mobile app development from scratch no longer requires massive time and resources.

Businesses can optimize navigation and design with Twinr. Our platform makes page transitions seamless, making your app easy to use. We optimize performance for fast load times and smooth browsing.

Twinr prioritizes responsive design. We know that eCommerce app users use different devices, so we ensure your app looks good and works well on all screens.

Twinr also lets businesses implement powerful search and filtering features to help users find their needs. We understand the importance of personalized experiences and allow you to tailor your app to customer preferences, increasing customer satisfaction.

Twinr is a user-friendly, functional, and visually appealing platform to simplify app development. We’ll handle the technicalities so you can focus on customer satisfaction. Twinr supports eCommerce success in your hands.

Gaurav Parvadiya

Gaurav is the founder and CEO of Twinr, a tech entrepreneur with a decade of experience and a passion for SaaS. With a Master's degree in Computer Science, he specializes in no-code development, driving innovation in the mobile app industry. When he's not busy growing the company, you'll find him writing about tech, growth, software development, e-commerce, and occasionally sneaking in a game of badminton.

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It is fast, packed with features and quite easy to use. And the best part is, you don’t need to possess any coding skills to make use of it or invest a huge chunk of your time or money in website to app conversion.

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