Guide to Mobile App Design: 10 Quick & Actionable UI/UX Tip

By Gaurav Parvadiya | Last Updated On March 12th, 2024

As more and more development become mobile first, mobile app development is increasingly becoming a central role in the industry. The secret to getting your app into stores and getting it utilized regularly is to implement best practices for mobile design. These ten suggestions can direct the development process toward a more user-friendly result.

Having a decent mobile app design will help retain consumers because it is expected that there will be roughly 7.5 billion smartphone users worldwide in 2025. In 2021 there were 230 billion global app downloads. Mobile apps are used by users to access content and services. There are 5.8 million apps total (in both App Store and Google Play store) as of 2022. How can you make sure that among the sea of apps, your mobile app is relevant and useful? The user experience is crucial to the design of mobile applications.

Some significant best practices that were used in developing these applications along the road and would be beneficial to those creating mobile applications are listed below.

Don’t Replicate the Website

  • Avoid duplicating web experiences during mobile app designing. Users anticipate specific design components and interaction patterns in mobile apps. Keep the typeface, colour scheme, and all other design components visually consistent.
  • Ensure a seamless user experience across all devices. It increases consumer trust in the brand.
    Use buttons rather than underlined links whenever possible.
  • Avoid directing consumers to a browser. This lowers conversion and raises abandonment.

Combining intuitive and practical experiences

  • Reduce the amount of work users must do to obtain their goals. Organize information so that getting there involves the fewest possible steps.
  • Divide big jobs into manageable, smaller pieces. Cover up supporting actions.
    Delegate tasks. Make sensible defaults.
  • Plan for disruption. Permit users to leave a state and return at a later time. Users anticipate that the journey will continue from where they left off.
  • Keep your attention on the user’s goals while avoiding information overload. Avoid interjecting.

Create invisible user interfaces

  • Remove extraneous components that don’t help users complete their tasks and make the content the interface instead. Actionable content can be displayed quite effectively with cards. Maintain a breathable, light interface.
  • Adding breathing space to draw attention to key text, use white space.
  • The most popular apps are narrowly focused and offer a small number of functions. By putting the most important elements first and eliminating the extras, you can reduce the feature set.
    The UI and UX can be made simpler and better through content prioritization.
  • The clarity of simple, clear language is maximized. Avoid using acronyms, brand- or culturally-specific phrases, or technical jargon that the average person would not comprehend. Use language that is simple to understand and is familiar.

Eliminate the Clutter

  • Eliminate the clutter. Getting rid of anything in a mobile design that isn’t absolutely necessary can boost comprehension because less clutter will be there. One primary action is recommended for each screen, as a general rule.
  • Skip the login walls. Do not compel early registration; instead, collect information gradually.
  • Preventing information overload, which is when a system receives more input than it can handle.Decision quality decreases as a result of decision makers’ relatively low cognitive processing ability.
  • Chunking is useful. Long forms should be divided into pages, with fields being gradually shown as needed. Integrate autocomplete, spell-check, and prediction text aid to speed up this procedure.
  • Excellent user onboarding can increase long-term success measures like user retention and user lifetime value in addition to reducing abandonment rates.

Navigation should be straightforward but easily found

  • Users should be motivated to engage with and interact with the information by the navigation. It must be used in a way that complements the app’s structure without drawing attention to itself.
  • The navigation must be easy to find and use, taking up little screen real estate.
  • The majority of app users’ needs should be met by the navigation.
  • Assign various levels of importance to frequent user tasks. Give high priority and frequently used paths and destinations prominence in the UI.
  • The user should have access to navigation at all times, not only when we think they’ll need it. Make actions and options visible to reduce the user’s memory load.

Constructed for One-Hand Operation

  • 85% of people use their phone with one hand, and screen sizes are only going to increase. More of the display becomes inaccessible as the screen size increases.
  • A thumb can easily access the top-level menu, commonly used controls, and popular action items by placing them in the green area of the screen.
  • Put damaging activities in the difficult-to-reach red zone to prevent users from unintentionally tapping them.

Speed Is Crucial

  • Don’t hold back content from users. During mobile app designing make sure the app is responsive and quick.
  • Every user action must be met with some form of feedback in order to make the interaction predictable. Feedback acknowledges acts and aids users in comprehending how operations have turned out. They could start to doubt whether an app has handled the action if there is no feedback. A software that offers visual feedback helps users avoid making assumptions.
  • Use a progress indicator to let people know that things will take some time. Users are advised to wait by the progress indicators, so as soon as feasible, skeleton screens should take their place.

Timely, Thoughtful Notifications are Crucial

  • Before sending a message, pause. Users are inundated with pointless, annoying notifications. The most common reason for individuals to delete mobile apps is because of annoying notifications.
  • Making every communication count is the key to using mobile. Don’t send too many push notifications to the users.
  • Users should receive enough value from notifications to outweigh the disruption. Don’t send push notifications just to get users’ attention.

Create a favorable first impression

The only impression that users will recall is the initial one. The mobile app won’t get a second opportunity if the user doesn’t like what they see the first time. Onboarding shouldn’t be monotonous, time-consuming, or dull. Nobody has time in today’s society, especially with smartphone apps. The software should load swiftly and make its goal clear to the user right away.


The user experience should be fluid, and he shouldn’t have to struggle to figure out how the product functions. Know your target audience before you begin designing a mobile application by developing lean personas, customer journey maps, and doing user research. can help you understand the target market when designing the product.

Gaurav Parvadiya

Gaurav is the founder and CEO of Twinr, a tech entrepreneur with a decade of experience and a passion for SaaS. With a Master's degree in Computer Science, he specializes in no-code development, driving innovation in the mobile app industry. When he's not busy growing the company, you'll find him writing about tech, growth, software development, e-commerce, and occasionally sneaking in a game of badminton.

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